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The Team

Experience matters.

Chiron brings an uncommon depth and breadth of expertise to your table. Our senior leadership comprises experts, including lifetime investment bankers with Wall Street histories, leading commercial bankers, private equity and debt investors, as well as former CEOs and CFOs from a wide range of operating companies. From agriculture to healthcare, energy to real estate, we make it our business to know your business.

Diver­si­ty & Inclu­sion isn’t an Ini­tia­tive, it’s a Cor­ner­stone of Chiron’s Com­pa­ny Values.

We strive to hire the best of the best, hail­ing from a vari­ety of back­grounds and cul­tures that bring diverse points of view to the table. These unique voic­es fuel our inno­va­tion and help us bet­ter serve our clients. We remain com­mit­ted to cul­ti­vat­ing an inclu­sive work envi­ron­ment con­tribut­ing to the improve­ment of diver­si­ty in the finan­cial industry.

Chi­ron Team

Whether you need finan­cial advice, growth cap­i­tal, or help restruc­tur­ing, you’ll be work­ing direct­ly with a Man­ag­ing Direc­tor who spe­cial­izes in your busi­ness. Every suc­cess­ful rela­tion­ship begins with empa­thy and under­stand­ing. We speak your language.

Bio photo jay krasoff

Jay Kra­soff

Founder | Managing Director

Mr. Krasoff is a founder of Chiron Financial and is responsible for the strategic direction of the firm and corporate growth.

Bio photo scott johnson

Scott John­son

Founder | Managing Director

Mr. Johnson is a founder of Chiron Financial and has over 30 years of experience in investment banking.

Bio photo todd haas

Todd Hass

Managing Director | CFO

Mr. Hass is focused on leading client transactions, including mergers & acquisitions and private debt.

Bio photo tom bell

Tom Bell

Managing Director

Mr. Bell has led national commercial banking client-coverage lines of business at JPMorgan and HSBC.

Bio photo michael miller

Michael Miller

Managing Director

Mr. Miller brings over 30 years’ experience in investment banking, private equity and structured finance in multiple sectors, including energy and energy transition.

Bio photo chris mudd

Chris Mudd

Managing Director

Mr. Mudd has held multiple senior management roles in the petrochemicals industry, including CEO, COO and CRO.

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Alex­ei Ratnikov

Managing Director

Mr. Ratnikov has over 20 years of international experience in corporate finance and supports Chiron’s European and special situations business.

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Greg Bouille

MD & Head of EMEA Region

Mr. Bouille is a trusted advisor for Chiron with over 25 years of experience in building, transforming, and developing global businesses, such as family-owned businesses, private equity-backed firms, SMBs and international corporations.


Can­dice Hubert

Director, Business Development

Ms. Hubert is the Director of Business development with significant experience in the finance world.


Melis­sa Hopper


Ms. Hopper has served as CFO at multiple companies with experience in equity and debt recapitalizations, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring.


Jaime Hochhausen

Director, Business Development

Ms. Hochhausen comes to Chiron with more than 20 years of experience in the legal industry and worked the last 13 years in business development focused on healthcare, energy/cleantech and technology industries.

Florence Tran

Flo­rence Hirner-Couderc


Ms. Hirner-Couderc supports the investment banking and financial advisory assignments to deliver high-quality service to our clients.

Bio photo johann bosch salcedo

Johann Bösch-Sal­cedo

Director, Europe

Mr. Bösch-Salcedo is responsible for supporting the solicitation and execution of various financial advisory assignments.

Bio photo thomas delahaye

Thomas Dela­haye

Vice President, Europe

Mr. Delahaye is responsible for managing dialogue with prospective investors and buyers and overseeing closings.

Bio photo monroe moll

Mon­roe Moll


Mr. Moll is responsible for supporting the financing, sale, and financial advisory assignments, and more.


Bryan Phillips


Mr. Phillips is an analyst responsible for conducting market, industry, and company research for Chiron's prospects.


Micaela Siek­mann Guerrero

Analyst, Business Development

Ms. Siekmann is a Business Development Analyst for Chiron.


Luke Row­ley


Mr. Rowley is an analyst responsible for supporting the financing, sale, and financial advisory.

Exter­nal Advi­so­ry Panel

Chi­ron is proud to have an exter­nal advi­so­ry pan­el that brings years of exper­tise and expe­ri­ence in a mul­ti­tude of indus­tries. This pan­el will enhance our port­fo­lio by help­ing us serve clients in a broad­er set of indus­tries and markets. 

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Zung Nguyen

Senior Strategic Advisor

Mr. Nguyen is a financial executive with over 30 years of experience in global capital markets, wealth management, product and business development.


Ernie Alise­da

Senior Advisor

Ernie is a trusted advisor for Chiron with over 30 years of vast legal experience, as well as experience in both the health and insurance industries with significant leadership roles throughout his career.