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Chiron (KY-ron):

A trusted financial partner with an unusual name for lower and middle-market businesses.

In ancient Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur, half-man, half-horse, and renowned as a wise healer and teacher. He is known for rescuing Prometheus, who had taken a thunderbolt from Zeus in order to deliver fire to mankind. Zeus had chained Prometheus to a cliff as punishment, but Chiron, though born immortal, gave up his life in a bargain to free Prometheus. Chiron Financial has likewise freed numerous clients from the chains of limited capital. With a unique combination of talent, we apply a rare depth and breadth of wisdom to help middle-market companies raise capital, restructure, or sell.

Over the years, our name’s been pronounced many ways—just think hard K, rhymes with Byron. However you say it, we’ll help you achieve your most epic goals.

Deep Financial Expertise

We have decades of experience helping our clients optimize the financial health of their organizations. Our area of specialty is lower and middle-market companies seeking to improve performance, sell the business, or raise $10 million to several hundred million dollars in capital. For most firms, that’s an uphill challenge on an unfamiliar mountain. Fortunately, steep hills and mountains are something we’re known for conquering.

Practical Industry Insight

Our expertise uniquely extends from the financial realm to the real world. Our investment banking team includes former CEOs and CFOs, so we speak your language, relate to your business challenges, and understand the intricacies of a wide range of industries.

Relentless Execution

We take a robust and comprehensive approach to analyzing your company’s financial health, which includes helping you get your house in order if needed. We handle the entire deal process, creating marketing materials and working with our vast network of qualified investors or buyers to create competition, yielding the right funds, the right terms, at the right time.

Glob­al Reach

Our exper­tise is also geo­graph­i­cal­ly expan­sive. With offices in North Amer­i­ca, Europe, and Latin Amer­i­ca, we under­stand the require­ments and mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ties from a glob­al perspective. 

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Why rais­ing your own cap­i­tal is a bad idea.

For low­er and mid­dle-mar­ket com­pa­nies look­ing to raise mon­ey, it can be tempt­ing to do it your­self. Maybe you have a few con­nec­tions and can talk a good game. Prob­lem is, run­ning a com­pa­ny is a full-time job you already have. Dis­trac­tions can weak­en your posi­tion and deval­ue your business. 

Anoth­er prob­lem: con­tact­ing a hand­ful of poten­tial investors, lenders, or buy­ers will not get you the best deal avail­able. Even riski­er, your efforts may take much longer to con­clude than you can afford. Sud­den­ly, you’re in reac­tive mode, respond­ing to prob­lems instead of con­trol­ling your des­tiny. We’ve seen this movie many times.

Our invest­ment bank­ing team, which includes for­mer CEOs and CFOs, under­stands these issues since some of us have lived, and learned from them. We take an informed yet real­is­tic approach to learn­ing every­thing we can about your com­pa­ny — from finan­cial per­for­mance to your com­pet­i­tive land­scape. We can address account­ing and per­for­mance issues, deter­mine whether you’re ask­ing for enough cap­i­tal, ulti­mate­ly posi­tion­ing your com­pa­ny for the best pos­si­ble outcome. 

We then reach out — not to a hand­ful but to hun­dreds of poten­tial investors includ­ing cred­it funds, pri­vate equi­ty firms, fam­i­ly offices, banks and oth­er insti­tu­tion­al investors. This max­i­mizes your expo­sure, cre­at­ing a sit­u­a­tion where lenders are com­pet­ing to invest in your com­pa­ny. At Chi­ron, rais­ing cap­i­tal is what we do. And we’ve per­fect­ed the process of doing it right.

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