When performance or cash flow takes a hit, companies often opt to replace and maximize their capital availability, sometimes called restructuring. With extensive expertise as a debtor-side advisor, we can successfully guide you through the financial labyrinth. The critical element is to recognize the need for help at the first signs of existing investor fatigue or of looming stress, while the number of potential solutions is greatest.
Solutions are what creditors are looking for. Our reputation for delivering them can buy the time needed for the best outcome while minimizing any potential hiccups in the process. We can proactively provide due diligence, help to enhance financial credibility, and in some cases help with cutting costs and protecting collateral.
While we have deep experience with bankruptcies, Chapter 11 is not the only solution and is often not the best. Many situations can be resolved more quickly and less expensively through out-of-court restructuring. Every situation comes with unique circumstances and opportunities. We weigh them all thoroughly. Bank issues, defaults, forbearance, even management fatigue, and appetite for a fresh start are factored in as we develop the best path forward.
The optimal path to choose is often unclear in the early innings. With Chiron, whether your needs end up including some accounting clean-up, detailed modeling, capital replacement, growth financing, or sale, in any case, your bases are covered. Don’t get stuck with a partner who cannot take you to the finish line.
We offer both a cost advantage and a more effective, integrated process by delivering to your company all of the inputs and skills that may be needed depending on how unpredictable events twist and turn, including:
- Assisting your company with perfecting historical financial reports, repairing any processes as needed, and preparation of financial projections and models that will meet the demanding standards of investors and buyers
- Identifying opportunities for financial improvement and cash management
- Providing all of the highly detailed schedules, monthly reports, and weekly short term budget updates, which are specific to a restructuring and required by the creditors and other stakeholders
- Defining and highlighting the company’s competitive strengths and opportunities
- Identifying the relevant lenders, investors, and/or buyers and marketing to them
- Having the ability to focus on any relevant market, or to switch from one to another, including debt or any variety, equity, hybrid debt/equity, or sale
- Restructuring any existing capital or contractual arrangements as needed
Engaging us to handle any or all of those elements is more cost-effective than engaging two or more firms who each are able to deliver in only a portion of the skill sets, and also puts us, as your highly informed partner, in a strong position to present your attractiveness convincingly.