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Debt Mar­ket Review — Octo­ber 2023

The U.S. economy remains resilient despite the Federal Reserve’s interest rate hike campaign. Results from the most recent lending surveys of the U.S. and Eurozone banks show tightening underwriting conditions and weaker loan demand.



Ener­gy Mar­kets Digest — Sum­mer 2023

Chiron Financial LLC released its first in its new series of Energy Markets Digest, where Chiron Financial LLC will review the key components of the energy markets. In this inaugural digest, the energy markets and pricing are likely to remain non-threatening in the near term as the global economic outlook remains cloudy due to the slow return of growth in China.

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How to Deter­mine the Right Strat­e­gy When Exit­ing Your Fam­i­ly-Owned Business

Could this be a good time to sell? Managing Director Tom McNulty highlights the current economic trends, options available for owners when pursuing an exit transaction, and elements needed for success.

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Impacts of the Ener­gy Cri­sis: How Ener­gy Costs Will Affect Your Business

Co-Founder Scott Johnson and former United States Ambassador to Romania Adrian Zuckerman hosted a webinar on the energy crisis and what it means for businesses in Europe and the United States.

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Five Rea­sons why a CFO should part­ner with an Invest­ment Bank

Managing Director Alexei Ratnikov, Director Melissa Hopper, and Senior Advisor Joe DiLorenzo discuss the benefits of CFOs working with investment banks.

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Finan­cial Solu­tions for Under­per­form­ing Port­fo­lio Companies

Managing Director Jay Krasoff recently leveraged his 40+ years of experience as a trusted advisor and restructuring professional to release a free eBook for private equity professionals.

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Blockchain’s piv­otal role in de-risk­ing trans­ac­tions in the ener­gy sector

Managing Directors Michael Miller and Tom McNulty discuss how blockchain is enabling greater accuracy and risk deduction during transactions in the energy industry.

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How to Keep Long-Term Care Facil­i­ties Finan­cial­ly Healthy

Managing Director Jim Davis was featured in McKnight's Long-Term Care News

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Chris Mudd Fea­tured on the Eco­nom­ic Alliance Podcast

Managing Director Chris Mudd speaks about M&A, the energy transition, and explores the roles of an investment bank.

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Live Pan­el Dis­cus­sion: Con­flict in Ukraine and the Impact on Business

Chiron Financial hosted and led a panel discussion at TMA Switzerland's Spring event on three major topics.

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What to Do if a Com­mer­cial Bank Refus­es to Lend Capital

Part two of a two-part blog that gives you the advice you need to be proactive in a business-critical situation.

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Russia’s Inva­sion of Ukraine and Ini­tia­tives to Con­sid­er: A Whitepaper

Energy Supply, Geopolitical Events, and the Economy

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Three Signs that a Com­mer­cial Bank is About to Say No” to Lend­ing Capital

Part one of a two-series blog that gives you the advice you need to be proactive in a business-critical situation.

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Where Does Oil Go From Here?

Managing Director Tom McNulty discusses the future of oil.

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Chi­ron Responds: Rus­si­a’s Inva­sion of Ukraine and the Impact on the Glob­al Ener­gy Industry

Chiron’s Founders Scott Johnson and Jay Krasoff, along with Managing Director Tom McNulty, discuss how Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will impact the energy industry.

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The Right Place at the Right Time – and Beyond

Managing Director Tom McNulty discusses the opportunities and challenges of the energy transition.