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We know where it hurts and what to prescribe.

Healthcare has always been a complex industry. Whether you’re trying raise capital for a revolutionary medical device, looking to sell or acquire, or just need some strategic financial guidance, you want an investment banker who understands your challenges inside and out. Chiron is just what the doctor ordered.

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Finan­cial insight with and oper­a­tional accumen.

At Chi­ron, our health­care prac­tice is led by a for­mer lead­ing hos­pi­tal CEO. We under­stand the oper­a­tional chal­lenges unique to health­care. As COVID funds begin to evap­o­rate, the need for cap­i­tal is grow­ing. We know where to turn and how to mar­ket your opportunity.

Chiron’s team has man­aged trans­ac­tions for large, pub­licly trad­ed orga­ni­za­tions, mid-size non-prof­it med­ical cen­ters, mul­ti-spe­cial­ty prac­tices, nurs­ing homes, labs, and every­thing in between. Famil­iar with phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, tele­health plat­forms, and med­ical device devel­op­ment, we can capa­bly nav­i­gate the obsta­cles and oppor­tu­ni­ties to improve your position.

Where health­care meets real estate

Secur­ing cap­i­tal for hos­pi­tals and senior hous­ing facil­i­ties requires a spe­cial­ized exper­tise in real estate. More than just prop­er­ty, you need to fac­tor in care infra­struc­ture. With our mul­ti-dis­ci­pli­nary exper­tise, we’ll make sure you’re cov­ered from every angle and that your ask is ade­quate, guid­ing you through the entire process.

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Put our health­care exper­tise to work for you.

Whether you need finan­cial advice, cap­i­tal, or help restruc­tur­ing, Chi­ron Finan­cial is ready to apply its unique under­stand­ing of the health­care indus­try to help you achieve the best pos­si­ble out­come. Start the con­ver­sa­tion with peo­ple who speak your language.

Meet Our Advisors

Bio photo jay krasoff

Jay Kra­soff

Founder | Managing Director

Mr. Krasoff is a founder of Chiron Financial and is responsible for the strategic direction of the firm and corporate growth.

Our Experience

Forest Park Medical Center

Forest Park Medical Center

Deal Type
Raising Capital
Safescript Pharmacies, Inc.

Safescript Pharmacies, Inc.

Deal Type
Mergers & Acquisitions
Century Care of America, Inc.

Century Care of America, Inc.

Deal Type

Urgent Care Clinics

Deal Type
Mergers & Acquisitions

Clinical Labs USA, Inc

Deal Type
Financial Advisory
Cap­stone Pediatrics

Cap­stone Pediatrics

Deal Type
Cap­stone Pediatrics

Cap­stone Pediatrics

Deal Type
Mergers & Acquisitions

Take advan­tage of our cap­i­tal and finan­cial expertise.
