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Mergers and Acquisitions

Selling a company is an owner’s single most important decision, and it’s one we are there to help you with at every step.

Posi­tion­ing is everything.

For any merg­er or acqui­si­tion, our goal is to put your com­pa­ny in the best pos­si­ble light. We’re unique­ly able to make that hap­pen. Our team includes both invest­ment bankers and for­mer CEOs and CFOs with decades of expe­ri­ence, and we know what buy­ers are look­ing for and can antic­i­pate the ques­tions asked. Our exper­tise extends into mar­kets and indus­tries world­wide which means we can speak their lan­guage, mak­ing your sto­ry far more compelling.


Prepa­ra­tion is every­thing else.

We exor­cise the dev­il out of the details, con­duct­ing com­pre­hen­sive assess­ments of your finan­cials, account­ing sys­tems, report­ing, even your oper­a­tions, man­age­ment struc­ture, and com­peti­tors. Unlike most invest­ment bank­ing firms focused on the low­er and mid­dle mar­ket, we can put your finan­cial house in order before you ini­ti­ate a search for poten­tial buy­ers. Advance plan­ning can buy you time and finan­cial elbow room. If cir­cum­stances change — and they usu­al­ly do — you’ll be in a bet­ter posi­tion to piv­ot and capitalize.

Don’t lim­it your options or your expectations.

At Chi­ron, we take the search for buy­ers seri­ous­ly. We apply decades of expe­ri­ence with asset sales and merg­ers rang­ing from $10 mil­lion to sev­er­al hun­dred mil­lion dol­lars. Tap­ping into our vast net­work of strate­gic buy­er, fam­i­ly offices, and pri­vate equi­ty firms, we’ll con­nect with a wide range of poten­tial buy­ers. With a big­ger and more qual­i­fied pool of options, cre­at­ing a com­pet­i­tive auc­tion, you’re more like­ly to get a bet­ter offer.


“Chiron skillfully guided our company through a highly complicated acquisition financing that ultimately required five separate financing instruments and a tremendous amount of perseverance in a challenging market environment. The Chiron team was relentless.” - Chairman of Logistics Company

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Meet Our Advisors

Bio photo jay krasoff

Jay Kra­soff

Founder | Managing Director

Mr. Krasoff is a founder of Chiron Financial and is responsible for the strategic direction of the firm and corporate growth.

Bio photo scott johnson

Scott John­son

Founder | Managing Director

Mr. Johnson is a founder of Chiron Financial and has over 30 years of experience in investment banking.

Bio photo chris mudd

Chris Mudd

Managing Director

Mr. Mudd has held multiple senior management roles in the petrochemicals industry, including CEO, COO and CRO.

Bio photo michael miller

Michael Miller

Managing Director

Mr. Miller brings over 30 years’ experience in upstream and downstream oil and gas.

Bio photo johann bosch salcedo

Johann Bösch-Sal­cedo

Director, Europe

Mr. Bösch-Salcedo is responsible for supporting the solicitation and execution of various financial advisory assignments.

Bio photo todd haas

Todd Hass

Managing Director | CFO

Mr. Hass is focused on leading client transactions, including mergers & acquisitions and private debt.

Bio photo tom bell

Tom Bell

Managing Director

Mr. Bell has led national commercial banking client-coverage lines of business at JPMorgan and HSBC.

Is now the time to sell?

Sell­ing a com­pa­ny requires thought­ful prepa­ra­tion. Instead of react­ing to unex­pect­ed cir­cum­stances, let Chi­ron help you suc­cess­ful­ly plan and exe­cute. The process starts now.
