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Case Studies

Logistics Company

Manufacturing and Industrial

Shutterstock 650325370


  • The Com­pa­ny is a pub­licly-trad­ed oil field ser­vices provider which required debt financ­ing for its acqui­si­tion of a heavy haul, logis­tics and mobi­liza­tion company
  • Both acquiror and tar­get ser­viced a deeply dis­tressed indus­try, and the Com­pa­ny engaged Chi­ron in the Sum­mer of 2019 dur­ing a volatile oil and gas mar­ket with lim­it­ed debt and vir­tu­al­ly no equi­ty investors on the horizon
  • The acquiror’s EBIT­DA declined 86% from $8.9 MM in 2018 to $1.2 MM in 2019
  • Fol­low­ing the trag­ic death of the Company’s CFO, Chi­ron served as de-fac­to CFO through­out the process
  • Chi­ron con­tact­ed over 400 lenders and investors
  • As a result of the volatile mar­ket envi­ron­ment, the trans­ac­tion under­went mul­ti­ple changes in financ­ing struc­tures and lend­ing sources pri­or to clos­ing on Feb­ru­ary 272020


  • Re-nego­ti­at­ed stock pur­chase agree­ment for the Com­pa­ny with Sell­er Financing
  • Nego­ti­at­ed with 3 Fam­i­ly Offices for con­vert­ible debt with stock grants
  • Ulti­mate­ly closed on five sep­a­rate pieces of financ­ing in order to meet the required cash proceeds
  • Closed deal despite increas­ing­ly adverse con­di­tions in Oil & Gas and one week pri­or to COVID lock­downs and an oil price collapse

Chi­ron skill­ful­ly guid­ed our com­pa­ny through a high­ly com­pli­cat­ed acqui­si­tion financ­ing that ulti­mate­ly required five sep­a­rate financ­ing instru­ments and a tremen­dous amount of per­se­ver­ance in a chal­leng­ing mar­ket envi­ron­ment. The Chi­ron team was relent­less.” Logis­tics Company

The Challenge

The acquirer's EBITDA declined 86% from $8.9 MM in 2018 to $1.2 MM in 2019.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron contacted over 400 lenders and investors and re-negotiated stock purchase agreement for the Company with Seller Financing.

The Result

Closed deal despite increasingly adverse conditions in Oil & Gas and one week prior to COVID lockdowns and an oil price collapse.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
