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Blockchain’s pivotal role in de-risking transactions in the energy sector

Managing Directors Michael Miller and Tom McNulty discuss how blockchain is enabling greater accuracy and risk deduction during transactions in the energy industry.

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While blockchain is com­mon­ly asso­ci­at­ed with Web 3 tech­nolo­gies like cryp­tocur­ren­cy, indus­tries out­side of the tech indus­try can and are tak­ing advan­tage of the ben­e­fits that blockchain offers. With­in our own firm, we’re see­ing increased inter­est and invest­ment in busi­ness­es that apply patent-pend­ing blockchain tech­nol­o­gy for use with com­modi­ties trans­ac­tions. Out of all the pos­si­ble sec­tors, we antic­i­pate that the wide­spread intro­duc­tion of blockchain with­in the ener­gy indus­try may make the great­est impact.

The ener­gy sec­tor is famous­ly risk-averse and resis­tant to chang­ing its well-estab­lished sys­tems and process­es. How­ev­er, blockchain enables greater speed, accu­ra­cy, and risk reduc­tion dur­ing trans­ac­tions and set­tle­ments — with no com­pro­mise when it comes to secu­ri­ty. Tech­nol­o­gy com­pa­nies design­ing blockchain solu­tions for the ener­gy indus­try are doing so with the industry’s risk aver­sion and lega­cy sys­tem invest­ment in mind; offer­ing incre­men­tal blockchain solu­tions which can plug into lega­cy sys­tems and work in par­al­lel or incre­men­tal­ly with them, allow­ing com­pa­nies to ease into Web 3. Look­ing ahead, we expect to see some ear­ly adopters begin to use blockchain before it becomes much more com­mon­ly employed with­in the ener­gy sec­tor, ulti­mate­ly becom­ing ubiq­ui­tous due to its abil­i­ty to elim­i­nate errors and to effi­cient­ly accel­er­ate settlements.

The rise of blockchain

Though it was ini­tial­ly used to sup­port Bit­coin, at its core, blockchain is a shared and dis­trib­uted ledger that both par­ties in a trans­ac­tion use, rather than each indi­vid­ual par­ty main­tain­ing, record­ing, and set­tling in their own respec­tive ledgers. Any­thing added to the shared ledger must first be val­i­dat­ed by all par­tic­i­pants to ensure its accu­ra­cy, and all record­ed entries are per­ma­nent. This means there can be no tam­per­ing with or edit­ing of a trans­ac­tion unless a new record­ed trans­ac­tion is entered. The record-keep­ing is com­plete­ly open to all par­ties, who can view all aspects of a trans­ac­tion, includ­ing all changes to it. Dis­trib­uted ledger tech­nol­o­gy is soft­ware that is sim­ply a log­i­cal evo­lu­tion from paper/​pencil account­ing to spread­sheets to cloud-based account­ing soft­ware; and now dis­trib­uted ledgers.

Blockchain/​distributed ledger tech­nol­o­gy improves effi­cien­cies by elim­i­nat­ing the need for inter­me­di­aries to facil­i­tate a trans­ac­tion and the need for each par­tic­i­pant to record and track trans­ac­tions with­in its unique ledger. For ener­gy com­pa­nies, this greater accu­ra­cy and speed, low­er risk, and improved account­abil­i­ty means that trans­ac­tions can be set­tled in mere min­utes instead of days or weeks — or even months. Giv­en the large scale and com­plex­i­ty of ener­gy com­mod­i­ty trans­ac­tions, these advan­tages are valuable.

Blockchain ensures greater trans­ac­tion accu­ra­cy and speed

The ener­gy indus­try relies upon decades-old con­ven­tions for pay­ment, and trans­ac­tions can take weeks to set­tle between the deliv­ery of phys­i­cal com­modi­ties and pay­ment. By con­trast, by employ­ing smart con­tracts” agreed to by trans­ac­tion par­ties, blockchain can accu­rate­ly com­plete up to 100,000 trans­ac­tions per sec­ond, which rev­o­lu­tion­izes how ener­gy com­pa­nies can set­tle pay­ments, as well as reduc­ing human inter­ven­tion, error and cost. The ledger must bal­ance in real time for each trans­ac­tion, rather than clear­ing indi­vid­ual accounts; this great­ly reduces the risk of account­ing errors, in addi­tion to short­en­ing the set­tle­ment cycle. Should any adjust­ments need to be made, it is record­ed as a sep­a­rate unique trans­ac­tion on the shared ledger for all par­ties to see. 

Accel­er­at­ed set­tle­ment through blockchain low­ers set­tle­ment risk

Long set­tle­ment and invoice cycles cre­ate high lev­els of unse­cured cred­it expo­sure and oper­a­tional risk should the coun­ter­par­ty default. With mon­ey tied to a pend­ing trans­ac­tion for weeks or months, com­pa­nies find that sig­nif­i­cant vol­umes of cap­i­tal are unavail­able to oth­er parts of the busi­ness, where it could be used to pay div­i­dends, or pay down debt, or to invest in new ener­gy busi­ness­es. By accel­er­at­ing the trans­ac­tion cycle, blockchain can help de-risk trans­ac­tions — elim­i­nat­ing the like­li­hood of a coun­ter­par­ty default­ing by the time pay­ment comes due — and free up cap­i­tal that was pre­vi­ous­ly tied up.

Blockchain affords greater account­abil­i­ty through­out the transaction

Because blockchain is a shared ledger, it enables greater trans­paren­cy and ulti­mate­ly account­abil­i­ty through­out the ener­gy val­ue chain, a ben­e­fit that is of par­tic­u­lar inter­est should Scope 3 emis­sions need to be quan­ti­fied. As an open, shared, and accu­rate ledger, blockchain pro­vides com­pa­nies the abil­i­ty to trace car­bon diox­ide, methane, sul­fur diox­ide, and oth­er emis­sions all the way back to the well­head. This due dili­gence can be com­plet­ed by sim­ply ref­er­enc­ing the ledger, rather than under­tak­ing a slow­er and more dif­fi­cult man­u­al due dili­gence process. A buy­er of a lithi­um-ion bat­tery, for instance, would be able to trace emis­sions all the way back to the ori­gin of the sup­ply chain for each com­mod­i­ty used with­in it. 

Blockchain’s future for the ener­gy industry

The inter­est in blockchain has extend­ed beyond just ven­ture cap­i­tal firms or the tech indus­try, with blockchain becom­ing a pop­u­lar tar­get for invest­ment on a broad scale across a range of indus­tries. For those in the ener­gy indus­try, it would be ben­e­fi­cial to begin ramp­ing up their explo­ration of blockchain tech­nolo­gies to ulti­mate­ly cap­i­tal­ize on its greater accu­ra­cy, speed, and risk reduc­tion ben­e­fits. Tak­ing steps now may also set com­pa­nies up for suc­cess in the future, should greater account­abil­i­ty and trac­ing be required for Scope 3 mis­sions or oth­er future envi­ron­men­tal regulations.

Meet Our Author

Bio photo michael miller

Michael Miller

Managing Director

Mr. Miller brings over 30 years’ experience in investment banking, private equity and structured finance in multiple sectors, including energy and energy transition.

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