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Press Releases

ACG Houston Announces Chiron Financial as Finalist for Deal of the Year

Chiron was nominated in the category utility, power, and infrastructure deal of the year for its Iluminar engagement.

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Chi­ron Finan­cial LLC (“Chi­ron”) was pre­sent­ed as a final­ist for ACG’s Deal of the Year award in the util­i­ties, pow­er, and infra­struc­ture cat­e­go­ry for its Ilu­mi­nar deal, which closed last year. The Ilu­mi­nar Ener­gy LLC engage­ment served as one of Chi­ron’s top deals closed in 2021.

Ilu­mi­nar Ener­gy LLC, a pri­vate­ly-held retail elec­tric provider in ERCOT, required a quick sales from the mar­ket due to debts incurred result­ing from Win­ter Storm Uri. Chi­ron stepped up to the plate, engag­ing as both Invest­ment Banker and Finan­cial Advi­sor, and worked with Ilu­mi­nar and its major cred­i­tors to pro­vide the quick­est and best solu­tion for all parties.

Chi­ron quick­ly pre­pared Ilu­mi­nar for sale, con­tact­ing hun­dreds of poten­tial buy­ers (small and large REPs, pri­vate equi­ty, ener­gy trad­ing hous­es). The sale was com­plet­ed out­side of bank­rupt­cy process and pro­vid­ed addi­tion­al pro­ceeds for creditors.

The entire process from engage­ment to sign­ing and clos­ing was com­plet­ed in less than three weeks.

Read the full case study here.

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