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Case Studies

US Subsidiary of German Multinational

Manufacturing & Alternative Energy

Fjkh 5


  • Chi­ron was engaged by the US sub­sidiary (the Com­pa­ny”) of a Ger­man multi­na­tion­al man­u­fac­tur­er to pro­vide Fair­ness and Sol­ven­cy Opin­ions under a com­pressed timeframe
  • The Com­pa­ny has the first and largest facil­i­ty pro­duc­ing mas­sive struc­tur­al ele­ments for off­shore wind tur­bines in the US
  • These Opin­ions were an inte­gral, final piece of a set­tle­ment trans­ac­tion with the Company’s pri­ma­ry lender, an EU-head­quar­tered, multi­na­tion­al alter­na­tive ener­gy company
  • In con­junc­tion with issu­ing the Opin­ions, Chi­ron reviewed (amongst oth­er items) the Set­tle­ment Doc­u­ments, Debt Agree­ments, Appraisals, Equip­ment Sales Doc­u­ments, and a Cash Fore­cast through the sol­ven­cy peri­od required in the Set­tle­ment Agreement 


  • Chi­ron worked under a com­pressed time­frame with the Com­pa­ny to under­stand the com­plex trans­ac­tion involv­ing many Gov­ern­ment Agen­cies and oth­er intri­ca­cies to con­fi­dent­ly and com­pe­tent­ly issue the Opin­ions required in the Set­tle­ment Agreement
  • Chi­ron worked with the Com­pa­ny, its coun­sel, the lender and the lender’s coun­sel to pro­duce a report that sat­is­fied the needs of all par­ties and pro­vide com­fort to the par­ties about the via­bil­i­ty and legit­i­ma­cy of the var­i­ous pieces of the transaction.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
