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Case Studies

Regional Bank


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  • Amid pres­sure from the reg­u­la­tors, the Bank sought to dimin­ish its ener­gy exposure
  • The Bank had a bilat­er­al revolver and term loan with two oil & gas com­pa­nies with assets near the Gulf Coast
  • In addi­tion, the Bank had a size­able par­tic­i­pat­ing inter­est in a revolver with an oil & gas Com­pa­ny that pro­duces over 750 bar­rels per day


  • As a result of the trans­ac­tions, the Bank cap­tured val­ue in cash and relieved pres­sure from the reg­u­la­tors, end­ing a man­age­ment distraction

The Challenge

Amid pressure from the regulators, the Bank sought to diminish its energy exposure.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron helped the Bank divest three of its oil and gas loan holdings individually.

The Result

As a result of the transactions, the Bank captured value in cash and relieved pressure from the regulators, ending a management distraction.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
