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Case Studies

Forest Park Medical Center




  • For­est Park Med­ical Cen­ter (the Com­pa­ny”) was a physi­cian-owned, 54-bed state-of-the-art med­ical facil­i­ty includ­ing 32 pri­vate rooms, 16 fam­i­ly suites and 6 inten­sive care beds. While in oper­a­tion, the Com­pa­ny had approx­i­mate­ly 175 employ­ees includ­ing 115 full-time employ­ees and 60 part-time employees
  • Despite increas­ing case vol­ume and grow­ing rev­enue, cash-flow was con­strained dur­ing this crit­i­cal stage of development
  • Under­cap­i­tal­ized pri­or to opening
  • Col­laps­ing and dys­func­tion­al man­age­ment company
  • Chi­ron was engaged as Finan­cial Advi­sor and Invest­ment Banker to pre­serve the val­ue for stakeholders


  • The Com­pa­ny filed for pro­tec­tion under Chap­ter 11 of the U.S. Bank­rupt­cy Code
  • Retained by the Com­pa­ny to assist in the explo­ration and pur­suit of strate­gic alter­na­tives includ­ing a refi­nanc­ing, restruc­tur­ing or sale of the business
  • Con­duct­ed a com­pre­hen­sive mar­ket­ing process to both strate­gic and finan­cial buy­ers and lenders and held ongo­ing dis­cus­sions with the Company’s var­i­ous stakeholders
  • Suc­cess­ful­ly man­aged oper­a­tions and nav­i­gat­ed the Com­pa­ny through Chap­ter 11 and 363 sale to a strate­gic buyer
Forest Park logo

The Challenge

Undercapitalized prior to opening.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron was engaged as financial advisor and investment banker to preserve the value for stakeholders.

The Result

Successfully managed operations and navigated the Company through Chapter 11 and 363 sale to a strategic buyer.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
