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Case Studies

Confectionary Food Brand

Consumer Packaged Goods

Fjkh 3


  • An inde­pen­dent spon­sor strate­gi­cal­ly acquired four con­fec­tionary busi­ness­es (the Com­pa­ny”) with­in a span of two years. The spon­sor con­tributed min­i­mum equi­ty at each acqui­si­tion, with financ­ings achieved via sell­er notes, sale-lease­backs, and an ABL cred­it facil­i­ty. The fourth acqui­si­tion (“4th”), com­plet­ed in Q3 2023, had a sell­er note that would grant 30% of the ful­ly dilut­ed equi­ty of 4th Com­pa­ny to the sell­er if the note was not paid off with­in one year.
  • The 4th was a crit­i­cal acqui­si­tion as its rev­enues had grown 50% in two years pri­or to acqui­si­tion and rep­re­sent­ed 85% of the Company’s 2023 Pro For­ma EBIT­DA. The 4th also had 90% cus­tomer con­cen­tra­tion, reduced 45% for the entire Company.
  • The spon­sor sought to low­er its cost of cap­i­tal by con­sol­i­dat­ing the sep­a­rate financ­ings and refi­nance the prob­lem­at­ic sell­er note.


  • Chi­ron was retained as the exclu­sive invest­ment banker and suc­cess­ful­ly placed a $42MM, two-tranche recap­i­tal­iza­tion: a com­mer­cial bank pro­vid­ing an ABL facil­i­ty and a struc­tured cap­i­tal provider financ­ing the junior capital.
  • The ABL is a $20MM com­mit­ment com­pris­ing: (i) $12MM revolver on the accounts receiv­able (“A/R”) and inven­to­ry (“Inv.”); (ii) $5MM term loan on the machin­ery and equip­ment (“M&E”); and (iii) $3MM cash flow over-advance term loan. Inter­est rates on the three sep­a­rate com­po­nents were 2.5% + SOFR for both the (i) A/R, Inv. and (ii) M&E, and 3.3% + SOFR for the (iii) term loan. Advance rates were 85.0% for the A/R, 85% on the NOLV for Inv., and 80% on the NOLV for M&E. The $3MM term loan amor­tizes over 24 months. Oth­er key terms include a 0.8% clos­ing fee, 0.3% unused line fee and a 1.10x min­i­mum FCCR.
  • The junior cap­i­tal provider com­mit­ted to a $22MM term loan facil­i­ty with 8.0% cash inter­est, 10.0% PIK, and no amor­ti­za­tion. Oth­er key terms include war­rants of 2.0%, a 1.30x liq­ui­da­tion pref­er­ence, a 2.5% orig­i­na­tion fee, and total net lever­age ratio of 4.00x.

Promise Hold­ings select­ed Chi­ron to arrange a $42MM refi­nanc­ing of four sep­a­rate­ly financed port­fo­lio com­pa­nies, each with mul­ti­ple tranch­es of high coupon debt, into a sin­gle Hold­co financ­ing with a dual-tranche struc­ture of bank ABL debt and a struc­tured cred­it sec­ond lien. The end result of the refi­nanc­ing was low­er cap­i­tal costs, greater liq­uid­i­ty and greater flex­i­bil­i­ty to oper­ate these four com­pa­nies. Promise is extreme­ly pleased with this out­come.” — Gor­don Liao, CEO

The Challenge

An independent sponsor strategically acquired four confectionary businesses (the “Company”) within a span of two years. The sponsor contributed minimum equity at each acquisition, with financings achieved via seller notes, sale-leasebacks, and an ABL credit facility. The fourth acquisition (“4th”), completed in Q3 2023, had a seller note that would grant 30% of the fully diluted equity of 4th Company to the seller if the note was not paid off within one year.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron was retained as the exclusive investment banker and successfully placed a $42MM, two-tranche recapitalization: a commercial bank providing an ABL facility and a structured capital provider financing the junior capital.

The Result

The junior capital provider committed to a $22MM term loan facility with 8.0% cash interest, 10.0% PIK, and no amortization. Other key terms include warrants of 2.0%, a 1.30x liquidation preference, a 2.5% origination fee, and total net leverage ratio of 4.00x.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
