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Case Studies

Cogent Energy Services


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  • Cogent Ener­gy Ser­vices (the Com­pa­ny) is a start-up provider of workover solu­tions, coiled tub­ing and ser­vices, and pro­duc­tion field services
  • Oper­a­tions in the Per­mi­an, Eagle Ford, Bar­nett, and Hay­nesville formations


  • $8 MM work­ing cap­i­tal revolv­ing facil­i­ty closed June 2017
  • Chi­ron also helped the Com­pa­ny arrange an asset swap
  • Assist­ed the major­i­ty asset sale of oper­at­ing sub­sidiary, Cobra Down­hole Motors, Inc., to a Hous­ton-based pri­vate equi­ty firm via LBO for a trans­ac­tion val­ue of $18.8 MM

We were incred­i­bly impressed that Chi­ron tru­ly under­stood the needs and future growth plans of their client. Chi­ron worked har­mo­nious­ly and in uni­son with sev­er­al part­ners to struc­ture a growth-ori­en­tat­ed work­ing cap­i­tal and term debt solu­tion. Chi­ron con­tin­ued to sup­port the client for their add-on growth needs after clos­ing for the oil field ser­vice com­pa­ny and was great to work with the entire time.” — Robert Mey­ers, Repub­lic Busi­ness Cred­it President

Cogent Energy Services Logo

The Challenge

Cogent Energy Services needed to raise capital.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron helped the Company arrange an asset swap.

The Result

Assisted the majority asset sale of operating subsidiary, Cobra Downhole Motors, Inc., to a Houston-based private equity firm via LBO for a transaction value of $18.8 MM.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
