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Case Studies

Clinical Diagnostics Company


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  • The Com­pa­ny was the lead­ing provider of clin­i­cal diag­nos­tic ser­vices to the nurs­ing home industry
  • The Com­pa­ny was formed through the simul­ta­ne­ous acqui­si­tion of the three lead­ing providers of clin­i­cal diag­nos­tics to the nurs­ing home indus­try. This was known as a Roll-up”
  • In the process of this roll-up, there were many due dili­gence flaws in that it was not a merg­er of equals and in fact, there were out­stand­ing judg­ments against some of the merged entities
  • Chi­ron was engaged by the Board of the Com­pa­ny to pro­vide finan­cial alter­na­tives and debt/​equity financ­ing to merge the companies


  • Chi­ron pro­vid­ed finan­cial advi­so­ry ser­vices to the Com­pa­ny to make nec­es­sary account­ing adjust­ments, build cash flow mod­els, three-state­ment income pro­jec­tion, bal­ance sheet and cash flow state­ment to raise the capital
  • Chi­ron pre­sent­ed the cap­i­tal raise to over 150 investors and com­plet­ed the rais­ing of cap­i­tal to merge the companies

The Challenge

There were many due diligence flaws in that it was not a merger of equals and in fact, there were outstanding judgments against some of the merged entities.

The Chiron Solution

Chiron provided financial advisory services to the Company to make necessary accounting adjustments, build cash flow models, three-statement income projection, balance sheet and cash flow statement to raise the capital.

The Result

Chiron presented the capital raise to over 150 investors and completed the raising of capital to merge the companies.

Is your com­pa­ny per­form­ing like it should?
