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Chris Mudd Featured on The Chemical Show

Managing Director Chris Mudd shares stories on how investment banks can help chemical companies grow

Chemical Show 1

Do you under­stand how invest­ment banks can help chem­i­cals com­pa­nies grow? Chris Mudd, the Man­ag­ing Direc­tor at Chi­ron Finan­cial LLC, shares why as he joins host Vic­to­ria Mey­er in this episode. Chris uncov­ers the mys­tery of invest­ment bank­ing and shows the many things they offer to help those in the indus­try. From rais­ing cap­i­tal to M&A sup­port to advi­so­ry ser­vices, he tells us the key dis­tinc­tions that sep­a­rate invest­ment banks from the rest. Fol­low along to this con­ver­sa­tion to under­stand more about invest­ment bank­ing and how you can grow to your full potential.

Watch the full episode here.

The Chem­i­cal Show:


Meet Our Author

Bio photo chris mudd

Chris Mudd

Managing Director

Mr. Mudd has held multiple senior management roles in the petrochemicals industry, including CEO, COO and CRO.

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