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Press Releases

Chiron Financial Joins Winners Circle Taking Home Three Turnaround Atlas Awards

Awards recognize significant achievements in investment banking industry.


Hous­ton, July 22, 2022 – Chi­ron Finan­cial LLC (“Chi­ron”) is proud to announce that the firm was hon­ored at Glob­al M&A Network’s award cer­e­mo­ny win­ning the awards for Bou­tique Restruc­tur­ing Invest­ment Bank and Turn­around of the Year (small mid-mar­ket seg­ment) for the OFS Inter­na­tion­al restruc­tur­ing and refi­nance deal. Addi­tion­al­ly, Chiron’s founder, Jay Kra­soff, won an indi­vid­ual Top Restruc­tur­ing & Turn­around Pro­fes­sion­als award in the restruc­tur­ing invest­ment banker category. 

To be rec­og­nized among some of the giants in the indus­try is a huge hon­or for myself and for the entire Chi­ron team,” said Jay Kra­soff. These awards reflect the ded­i­ca­tion and lead­er­ship of our firm and are a tes­ta­ment to the qual­i­ty work and con­sis­tent results we pro­vide to our clients.”

Pre­sent­ed by Glob­al M&A Net­work, the Turn­around Awards hon­or excel­lence from the restruc­tur­ing, insol­ven­cy, dis­tressed invest­ing, and merg­ers and acqui­si­tions (M&A) indus­tries in cat­e­gories of best val­ue-cre­at­ing trans­ac­tions, out­stand­ing firms, top pro­fes­sion­als and leg­endary leaders.


About Chi­ron Finan­cial LLC

Chi­ron Finan­cial is a FIN­RA-reg­is­tered, mid­dle-mar­ket, glob­al invest­ment bank­ing firm head­quar­tered in Hous­ton with offices in Dal­las, New York and Europe. The orga­ni­za­tion serves its clients in three main capac­i­ties includ­ing cap­i­tal raise for growth or dis­tressed busi­ness­es, merg­ers and acqui­si­tions, and finan­cial advi­so­ry ser­vices. The senior lead­er­ship at Chi­ron com­pris­es life­time Wall Street invest­ment bankers, lead­ing com­mer­cial bankers, pri­vate equi­ty and debt investors, as well as for­mer CEOs and CFOs from a wide range of oper­at­ing com­pa­nies. Chi­ron con­tin­ues to be indus­try agnos­tic and serves a wide breadth of indus­tries includ­ing oil and gas, chem­i­cals, health­care, man­u­fac­tur­ing, agri­cul­ture, retail, build­ing prod­ucts, and real estate. For more infor­ma­tion, fol­low them on LinkedIn.

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